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Induction Tutors Role

How much time should the Induction Tutor be given for their role?

This is at the discretion of the Headteacher However, the AB must check that “Induction tutor has the ability and sufficient time to carry out their role” AB Guidance

What is the Induction Tutor's role in Induction?

“Induction tutor: support the headteacher in planning an ECF-based induction as required. Ensure that mentor and ECT are aware of the plans for an ECF-based induction” AB Guidance

“The headteacher/principal should identify a person to act as the ECT’s induction tutor, to provide regular monitoring and support, and coordination of assessment. The induction tutor is expected to hold QTS and have the necessary skills and knowledge to work successfully in this role and be able to assess the ECT’s progress against the Teachers’ Standards. This is a very important element of the induction process and the induction tutor must be given sufficient time to carry out the role effectively and to meet the needs of the ECT. The induction tutor will need to be able to make rigorous and fair judgements about the ECT’s progress in relation to the Teachers’ Standards. They will need to be able to recognise when early action is needed in the case of an ECT who is experiencing difficulties. It may, in some circumstances, be appropriate for the headteacher/principal to be the induction tutor. The induction tutor is a separate role to that of mentor (see para 2.43).” Induction Guidance

The induction tutor (or the headteacher/principal if carrying out this role) is expected to: • provide, or coordinate, guidance for the ECT’s professional development (with the appropriate body where necessary); • carry out regular progress reviews throughout the induction period; • undertake two formal assessment meetings during the total induction period coordinating input from other colleagues as appropriate (normally one at the end of term three and one at the end of term six, or pro rata for part-time staff); • carry out progress reviews in terms where a formal assessment does not occur; • inform the ECT following progress review meetings of the determination of their progress against the Teachers’ Standards and share progress review records with the ECT, headteacher and appropriate body; • inform the ECT during the assessment meeting of the judgements to be recorded in the formal assessment record and invite the ECT to add their comments; ensure that the ECT’s teaching is observed and feedback provided; • ensure ECTs are aware of how, both within and outside the institution, they can raise any concerns about their induction programme or their personal progress; • take prompt, appropriate action if an ECT appears to be having difficulties; and • ensure that all monitoring and record keeping is done in the most streamlined and least burdensome way, and that requests for evidence from ECTs do not require new documentation but draw on existing working documents. Induction Guidance